Three Steps To A Healthy Body Image + Fuller Life

We are often our own biggest critics. Especially when it comes to our bodies.

Having a healthy body image means that you feel comfortable with how your body looks.

While working on health and fitness goals, your body might not be exactly where you want it to be at this moment – but it is important to feel comfortable in your own skin regardless of where you are in your journey. 

Recent studies showed that 34% of all adults have negative or low feelings about their body image. 

Although social media and Hollywood might make you think otherwise: there is no such thing as a “perfect” body.  

What’s truly important is a healthy body – and a healthy body image. 

These three steps are important in developing and maintaining a healthy body image:

Stop comparing yourself to others. 

Everyone’s body is different. Our metabolism, genetics, bone structure, muscle mass, age, sex all contribute to our body shape. Don’t compare yourself to others. A healthy body looks different on everyone. 

✨  Appreciate what your body CAN do. 

Your body is a pretty magical machine that works all day every day to help you meet your goals. When you look in the mirror, take a moment to appreciate all of the awesome things your body does. Breathing, running, walking, hugging, climbing, growing. Gratitude is a wonderful thing.

Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. 

We each have a thing or two that we don’t love about our bodies. When those negative thoughts pop into your head (my thighs are too big, my stomach is not flat enough) replace them with positive thoughts about your body (my legs are strong, I look good in this shirt.)

???If you are looking for a program that focuses on the importance of having a healthy mind in order to have a healthy body (not just trying to lose weight to fit an idea of how you should look), you should join my Forty Fit Club! I post lots of tips and will be launching my new Mindful Fitness program soon.

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